OpenSky DMS
Effective web-based document management solution with rich functionality of process management.
Document Management Solution (DMS) is a computer-based system, which allows to store, track, and manage electronic files to increase business process efficiency and reduce physical paper handling.
OpenSky DMS is a Content Management Solution, which is capable of storing various document types, from various input channels. Some of the most common are: indexing files from bulk scanning queues, indexing ad-hoc documents generated by the user, import files from integrated systems and index documents from Microsoft Outlook.
The application provides a number of pre-designed modules, which allows business automation. As an example: “Case management” – a workflow process, which supports processing documents related to a pre-defined case, like “Motor insurance claim” or “Medical claim” where specific categories of documents must be processed in specific order. This module has a set of dashboards to monitor process visually and easy access to all related documents in a single mouse click.
Electronic PDF forms can be completed on any computer, signed and sent back, directly into OpenSky DMS, without a need to print, sign, scan and email. The process is done completely electronically from beginning to end. No need to access printer and scanner.
The other part of the solution is a module called “Mail Room”. This module is designed to handle large volumes of emails, using efficient work distribution and allocation mechanisms. Mails are received into common mailboxes, such as [email protected] and distributed for processing. The module allows configuration of distribution rules, spam filters and facility to integrate with line-of-business systems for data validation.
The module can be used in the cloud or deployed on premises, depending of the requirement by the client.
Document scanning
Image enhancements, Barcode processing, Patch code recognition, Batch scanning, Blank page removal, Punch hole removal, Deshade and Deskew, Black – border removal, Basic zonal OCR
Integrated & custom components
API and SDK for integration, Web Services for cross-platform integration
Web retrieval
Intranet & Intranet access, Cross-browser compatibility, Common document format conversion (PDF)
Destruction (retention)
Automated destruction policies
Rule-based archival
Secure protected storage, Multiple access levels, Automated archival, Automated retention schedules, Facility to store any file formats (PDF, Images, Office files, Mail, Audio & Video), COLD / EDI
Search & Retrieve
Wild-card searching, Cross document class searching, Range searching, B2B integration
Distribution (export)
Bulk export facilities, Data delivery on CD and other removable media
Document Classification
Manual indexing, Automated indexing using barcode & OCR, Line of business data validation, Indexing queues, Exception reporting
Case Management
Flexible configurable workflow process management.