Flagship Solutions

OpenSky Scanning

Advanced scanning application designed to work with any dedicated document scanner.
OpenSky Advanced Scanning
Solution to deliver high quality images into Document Management System.


OpenSky Advanced scanning is a comprehensive scanning solution designed to work with dedicated document scanners. Easy to use interface and rich functionality makes the product competitive on the market of scanning applications.

This software is designed to deliver high quality scans from dedicated scanner, process items from Outlook (attachments) and integrates with technologies like FTP and SFTP

The application is capable of barcode recognition, zonal OCR, range of image enhancements to delivery high quality images and accelerate initial document classification.

The application has a number of pre-build export adapters, which will communicate and store images into Windows folder, Microsoft Sharepoint, Microsoft Dynamics, SalesForce and OpenSky DMS. It’s also possible to export files into FTP sites. Indexing criteria can be exported as part of the filename or header information of the document. Various export formats make this scanning compatible, with any document storage solutions available on the market.

Flexible document scanning profiles allow to deliver documents into multiple solutions, in various formats, using different rules available in one common user interface.

Our capability to add additional, customer-specific functionality, makes this document processing application a powerful tool in document management process.


Background dropout, Border removal, Crop, Deskew, Dilation, Erosion, Halftone removal, Hole removal, Scaling, Skeleton, Smoothing, Overscan removal, Document Invertion, Line removal, Noise removal, Electronic Stamping, Rotation, Blank page removal.

  • Scanner Independent
    Utilize any TWAIN or ISIS compatible scanner: Desktop, Workgroup or Production machine.

  • Batch separation
    Batches are separated by barcode, patch code, blank page and some other media options. Pages are automatically grouped into documents.

  • Document thumbnail viewer
    Pages are represented as thumbnails and logically grouped into documents for ease of management.

  • Scan profiling
    Facility to create different types of scanning into different profiles, for example: Office scanning – scan @ 200 dpi, with no image processing and one key to index. Invoice scanning – scan @ 300 dpi with barcode recognition, image enhancements and automated indexing.

  • Outlook integration
    Process forms and documents directly from MS Outlook

  • Multi-level indexing
    Facility to classify documents on multiple keys, and inert-dependent selectors, for example Country > Province > City

  • Flexible document export
    Document export facility into Searchable PDF, SharePoint, MS Dynamics, SalesForce and SBimage. Facility to customize export based on client needs.

  • Document annotations
    Facility to electronically annotate documents at scanning time and manually post-scanning.

  • Electronic forms management
    Facility to manage editable PDF forms as part of scanning process. For example an electronic application form is accompanied by a number of scanned documents.

  • Barcode recognition
    27 barcode types recognition, including QRCode and PDF417


OpenSky Scanning architecture